Professional Car Detailing And Car Washing What To Look For

Professional car detailing services aren’t all the same. A good Mobile Car Detailing service includes more than a normal wash and a polish, a great car detailing and car washing services can make your car look brand new and will have been trained in the correct use of the products they use. For example Car Sparkle only uses Meguir’s famous car technology products and has received training in their correct us by Meguire’s themselves.

Car Sparkles owner, Paul, has been in the industry for a decade and has seen enough cars and their finishes to know that there’s a huge difference between someone who just washes a car and throws on some polish and someone who is trained and experienced in the correct techniques and technologies. This is usually the biggest difference between a Mobile Car Detailer starting out or those shopping centre “Wash while you shop” services you may have seen.

It’s about experience, knowledge and the right technology chosen specifically through inspection of your vehicle that really makes the difference. Your car is probably one of your most valuable assets and is treated that way by a true professional.

From the fully equipped van with quality professional equipment right down to coming fully equipped with their own water to meet the stringent requirements of state government legislation separate a Professional Car Detailing service from the rest.

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